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ClinicalKey provides comprehensive and fast answers using an intuitive search method. A single search retrieves relevant information from 1,000+ full-text books, 500+ full-text journals, videos, graphs, guidelines, patient education library, drug publications, and Medline abstracts.  Provides CME credits.

Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL)


Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials is a database of bibliographic reports of randomized controlled trials. CENTRAL is created from many trusted sources. Most records come from bibliographic databases (mainly Pubmed and Embase). They also come from other published and unpublished sources, including  CINAHL, and the WHO's International Clinical Trials Registry Platform.

Cochrane Clinical Answers


Cochrane Clinical Answers (CCAs) provide a readable, digestible, clinically focused entry point to rigorous research from Cochrane systematic reviews. They are designed to be actionable and to inform decision making at the point of care. Each Cochrane Clinical Answer contains a clinical question, a short answer, and an opportunity to ‘drill down’ to the evidence from relevant Cochrane reviews. The evidence is displayed in a user friendly format, mixing narrative, numbers and graphics. 

Cochrane Methodology Register


The Cochrane Methodology Register (CMR) is a bibliography of publications which report on methods used in the conduct of controlled trials. It includes journal articles, books and conference proceedings; these articles are taken from the MEDLINE database and from hand searches. The database contains studies of methods used in reviews and more general methodological studies which could be relevant to anyone preparing systematic reviews. CMR records contain the title of the article, information on where it was published (bibliographic details), and in some cases, a summary of the article. CMR is produced by the UK Cochrane Centre, on behalf of the Cochrane Methodology Review Group.

Ovid Healthstar


Ovid HealthSTAR is comprised of data from the National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) MEDLINE. It contains citations to the published literature on health services, technology, administration, and research. It focuses on both the clinical and non-clinical aspects of health care delivery. The following topics are included: evaluation of patient outcomes; effectiveness of procedures, programs, products, services, and processes; administration and planning of health facilities, services, and manpower; health insurance; health policy; health services research; health economics and financial management; laws and regulation; personnel administration; quality assurance; licensure; and accreditation.



MEDLINE is the National Library of Medicine's premier database that contains bibliographic citations and author abstracts from more than 5,200 biomedical journals published in the United States and abroad.  Medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, allied health, and pre-clinical sciences are some of the main concentrations of sources contained within MEDLINE.



PubMed is a free resource supporting the search and retrieval of biomedical and life sciences literature with the aim of improving health–both globally and personally.

The PubMed database contains more than 32 million citations and abstracts of biomedical literature. It does not include full text journal articles; however, links to the full text are often present when available from other sources, such as the publisher's website or PubMed Central (PMC).

Available to the public online since 1996, PubMed was developed and is maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), located at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).



UpToDate is an evidence-based clinical resource. It includes a collection of medical and patient information, access to Lexi-Drug monographs and drug-to-drug interactions, and medical calculators. UpToDate is written by over 7,100 physician authors, editors, and peer reviewers. 



A clinical reference tool for health care professionals. Provides clinically organized modules for over 200 conditions (common medical diagnoses, surgical procedures, admission types- i.e. critical care, rehabilitation, behavioral health, etc., and human response problems). Zynx Evidence is the only database currently integrated into the Plans of Care in the Epic EHR.

*Note: Access is only available on-site, remotely via Citrix Access Gateway, or within the EPIC environment. Not compatible with OpenAthens. 

ACS Online Video Library


The American College of Surgeons Online Video Library is the easiest, most innovative, and cost-efficient way to view the entire Collection of ACS-selected narrated surgical procedures. More than 2,000 videos are available in a wide selection of body systems and procedure types, with new videos added each year.

Available to surgeons on staff at Lee Health only. Request the log-in information from the Medical Library:



ClinicalKey provides comprehensive and fast answers using an intuitive search method. A single search retrieves relevant information from 1,000+ full-text books, 500+ full-text journals, videos, graphs, guidelines, patient education library, drug publications, and Medline abstracts.  Provides CME credits.

Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL)


Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials is a database of bibliographic reports of randomized controlled trials. CENTRAL is created from many trusted sources. Most records come from bibliographic databases (mainly Pubmed and Embase). They also come from other published and unpublished sources, including  CINAHL, and the WHO's International Clinical Trials Registry Platform.

Cochrane Clinical Answers


Cochrane Clinical Answers (CCAs) provide a readable, digestible, clinically focused entry point to rigorous research from Cochrane systematic reviews. They are designed to be actionable and to inform decision making at the point of care. Each Cochrane Clinical Answer contains a clinical question, a short answer, and an opportunity to ‘drill down’ to the evidence from relevant Cochrane reviews. The evidence is displayed in a user friendly format, mixing narrative, numbers and graphics. 

Cochrane Methodology Register


The Cochrane Methodology Register (CMR) is a bibliography of publications which report on methods used in the conduct of controlled trials. It includes journal articles, books and conference proceedings; these articles are taken from the MEDLINE database and from hand searches. The database contains studies of methods used in reviews and more general methodological studies which could be relevant to anyone preparing systematic reviews. CMR records contain the title of the article, information on where it was published (bibliographic details), and in some cases, a summary of the article. CMR is produced by the UK Cochrane Centre, on behalf of the Cochrane Methodology Review Group.


Description features enhanced search and navigation, specialty pages, interactive content and graphics, and integrated multimedia features. It includes institutional-level access to all content from 1990 to the present (over 31,000 NEJM articles containing more than 55,000 images, tables, video, and audio) on an easy-to-access digital platform.
◾Full-text access to ground-breaking original research, review articles, and all other content dating back to 1990
◾PowerPoint slide sets and downloadable images, figures, and videos for presentations and teaching
◾Over 90 high-quality instructional videos and hundreds of interactive, multimedia teaching and learning tools at

NEJM Journal Watch Online


NEJM Journal Watch is a leading source for clinically relevant summaries and perspectives. Its team of physician-editors reviews and summarizes the most important research in over 135 journals and also provides clinical takeaways and perspectives on changing guidelines and clinical topics.

◾Full-text access to key research summaries and expert perspective in six specialties, including cardiology, general medicine, hospital medicine, infectious disease, neurology, oncology & hematology
◾19 email alerts, in a range of specialties and topics
◾“Guideline Watch” articles summarizing key points of clinical guidelines
◾Exclusive online media, including podcasts, blogs, and audio interviews

Ovid Healthstar


Ovid HealthSTAR is comprised of data from the National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) MEDLINE. It contains citations to the published literature on health services, technology, administration, and research. It focuses on both the clinical and non-clinical aspects of health care delivery. The following topics are included: evaluation of patient outcomes; effectiveness of procedures, programs, products, services, and processes; administration and planning of health facilities, services, and manpower; health insurance; health policy; health services research; health economics and financial management; laws and regulation; personnel administration; quality assurance; licensure; and accreditation.



MEDLINE is the National Library of Medicine's premier database that contains bibliographic citations and author abstracts from more than 5,200 biomedical journals published in the United States and abroad.  Medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, allied health, and pre-clinical sciences are some of the main concentrations of sources contained within MEDLINE.

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ClinicalKey provides comprehensive and fast answers using an intuitive search method. A single search retrieves relevant information from 1,000+ full-text books, 500+ full-text journals, videos, graphs, guidelines, patient education library, drug publications, and Medline abstracts.  Provides CME credits.



UpToDate is an evidence-based clinical resource. It includes a collection of medical and patient information, access to Lexi-Drug monographs and drug-to-drug interactions, and medical calculators. UpToDate is written by over 7,100 physician authors, editors, and peer reviewers.